I blank prayer
An absent mind
A hearts of stone..
That's how I describe myself now...Where am I?I always get lost..
I am a Manager now, I have a good salary, I am working abroad,
Why do I feel unsatisfied?
or is it the correct term?
Maybe I am not so thankful!
I should make it a habit, to be thankful
Despite of some discouragements, still be thankful
Despite of some challenges, still be thankful
Lord God, help me to realize
that this life is just a drop of water
compared to another life, like a vast of ocean
that this world worries on TIME
while from Heavenly above is ETERNITY
Teach me to be satisfied of what I have
Teach me not to complain
Teach me to love myself more
And to love prayers more
Father, my Father!!!!Draw me back
From where I am supposed to be
A man who prays
who gives
who persists
who leads
who loves
who knows the TRUTH
and does the TRUTH
God, my mission is to lead people back to YOU
so that they may see the real GOLD
so please,,draw me back to you
Father, I love you...