"Don't try to saw sawdust." is a short quotation and is composed of only 5 words, yet it is someting which you should not disregard..Why?Because many of us today are not doing that. Have you ever sawed wood?Well if you do, there's nothing different to that. Have you ever sawed sawdust? If you do then there must be something wrong with you. If you have not seen it yet, then try cutting a wood using a saw(as in a cutting tool with teeth). As you saw the wood you can see the debris or small bits falling to the ground. Those are sawdusts. Now, try to saw the sawdust..Isn't a form of foolishness to saw the things that was already sawed?
In connection with our life, the sawdust is like our past. Many people tend to get back on their past. They used to think back of their sad moments, regretting and worrying those moments that are over and done with. When you are doing this, you are merely trying to saw sawdust.And if you are doing it in some portions of your life, I tell you,you will never find happiness but instead you will live in a life full of worries and regrets!Don't be a prisoner of your past!
This quote is actually similar to the saying, "Don't cry over spilt milk."..Yes, this saying is a commonplace, a platitude..But are we really applying it today?Let me share to you the simple experience of a man named Allen Saunders during his interview with Dale Carnegie.
"Crying over a spilt milk"-author:Dale Carnegie
Mr. Saunders told me that the teacher of his hygiene class, Mr. Brandwine, taught him one of the most valuable lessons he had ever learned. "I was only in my teens," said Allen Saunders as he told me the story, "but I was a worrier even then. I used to stew and fret about the mistakes I had made. If I turned in an examination paper, I used to lie awake and chew my fingernails for fear I hadn't passed. I was always living over the things I had done, and wishing I'd done them differently; thinking over the things I had said, and wishing I'd said them better."Then one morning, our class filed into the science laboratory, and there was the teacher, Mr. Brandwine, with a bottle of milk prominently displayed on the edge of the desk. We all sat down, staring at the milk, and wondering what it had to do with the hygiene course he was teaching. Then, all of a sudden, Mr. Brandwine stood up, swept the bottle of milk with a crash into the sink-and shouted: 'Don't cry over spilt milk!'
"He then made us all come to the sink and look at the wreckage. 'Take a good look,' he told us, 'because I want you to remember this lesson the rest of your lives. That milk is gone you can see it's down the drain; and all the fussing and hair-pulling in the world won't bring back a drop of it. With a little thought and prevention, that milk might have been saved. But it's too late now-all we can do is write it off, forget it, and go on to the next thing.'
"That one little demonstration," Allen Saunders told me, "stuck with me long after I'd forgotten my solid geometry and Latin. In fact, it taught me more about practical living than anything else in my four years of high school. It taught me to keep from spilling milk if I could; but to forget it completely, once it was spilled and had gone down the drain."
If you want to discover the secrets of living a happier, more productive life, stop going back to your pasts. After all, what matters most is who you are now and not who you are before.Do you know how can you make your past so useful? It is only by learning lessons from them, and forgetting them...We deserve more, and somewhere along the distance there is always hope that awaits us.So let go and let God!!So stop sawing sawdust in your life now!!Stay cool and happy!!Smile!!
Thats a wonderful lesson gon. well said. Often we are clinging on to the rotten memories, like filling our living room with garbage, its only when we clean them up new things or fresh air can come in.
ReplyDeleteWell said thanks!
Excellent thought.
ReplyDeleteBut in reality is difficult. People in general would love to drool over the past and enjoy self pity.