Tuesday, May 5, 2009

See my new Snapshots!!Tranquility matters a lot.

I am an adventurous man and I always seek tranquility in order to replenish my weariness,thus I always love to go to places where I can breathe some fresh air, feel some cool wind, hear some harmonious sounds coming from the trees, birds and waves!!A place where I can get reassured by God's love. And so allow me to share what I have seen and enjoyed..And I hope you can also feel what I felt - an unexplained joy and tranquility within...Get rid of worries and relax...

A peaceful mind creates a peaceful life...Smile and be happy!!!


  1. Very beautiful snaps. Nice collection.

  2. Wow , Gods love is shown by these snaps. Surely a mind relaxer. I wish i could visit them all :)

  3. Hello srivats!I read ur post regarding Oasis.It was a very nice story..Very nice.Love is the very essence of our creation for it is by LOVE that we find our worth and meaning.Nice!

  4. Rajesh my friend!Thank u for the comment.I find your posts very factual and historical!Keep it up.TOGETHER let us share the beauty of the world and be peaceful in everything that we do!Have a nice day .

  5. wow... you really have beautiful shots gon... natural as it is... very beautiful and relaxing
