Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You cannot change the inevitable

"You cannot change the inevitable"..This sentence made a very remarkable point in my life. Yes,it's true, no one can really change something that is already fixed. For example, try to imagine a concrete wall in a building where there is no entrance. How can you enter through a dead end? Unless you are a superhero, it is impossible for you to break the strong wall. No matter how many kicks and punches you do against the wall in attempting to break it, you will never make it happen. You can never change the inevitable. You will only get tired. Your time and energy are being wasted. When we say inevitable, it means it is unchangeable,fixed,permanent..
Many times in our lives when we tend to fight into something that is quite impossible to change. We keep on trying to control things that are uncontrollable beyond our powers.
Let me share to you a simple story from DAle Carnegie's book. Please read it with patience...

Cooperate with inevitable
When I was a little boy, I was playing with some of my friends in the attic of an old,
abandoned log house in north-west Missouri. As I climbed down out of the attic, I rested
my feet on a window-sill for a moment-and then jumped. I had a ring on my left
forefinger; and as I jumped, the ring caught on a nailhead and tore off my finger.
I screamed. I was terrified. I was positive I was going to die. But after the hand healed, I
never worried about it for one split second. What would have been the use? ... I
accepted the inevitable.
Now I often go for a month at a time without even thinking about the fact that I have
only three fingers and a thumb on my left hand.
A few years ago, I met a man who was running a freight elevator in one of the
downtown office buildings in New York. I noticed that his left hand had been cut off at
the wrist. I asked him if the loss of that hand bothered him. He said: "Oh, no, I hardly
ever think about it. I am not married; and the only time I ever think about it is when I
try to thread a needle."


The acceptance of inevitable in our lives is a beginning of living a happier, relaxed life...So don't waste much time and effort to the things which you could not change..But rather accept them as part of your life, and focus on the things which you can do better.. I tell you, a man with a lot of worries in life could not perform well in his tasks..So if you want to do better, release all those worries in you by accepting instead of fighting against the inevitable...Cooperate..You cannot change the inevitable..

1 comment:

  1. Gives me whole new prospective of stuff which are inevitable in my life that I should accept , wonderful post!
